Nerv News;
-Our new site is open.
-Members; On October-6-2001, the first meeting will be held, & all members are to attend, be on line between 8 & ??PM
-Members; the meeting for October 6th has been moved to October-13-2001@ 8 -???PM, Pacific time.
-We need people to join. Please Join!
-Members; I hope we can get together some time this weekend, if we can I will try to be on line, @ about 9:00 am or so, I hope to see you all there.
- Members; we have a new member RPing as Rei, all her info is on the Nerv Crew page. And Next week I have off, so I hope we ALL can get on and rp.
-There will be an rp scheuled for the week after the Christmas, please check back for more info!